The B Team go Campervanning
Australia Places Travelling

The Coorong

25th May 2022

Today we left Robe and headed to the Coorong National Park.

It was a rainy and windy start to our day.

We managed to have breakfast in the dry before we left. I had some smashed avocado on toast and Brian made poached eggs, bacon and toast in the air fryer. Very good first attempt.

Lots of large paddocks some with different types of grass, some with sheep and cows.
We got some fuel in Kingston. $208.9 p/l. Put in 85$ as it gets cheap as we approach Adelaide.

Choose to go down a dirt road when we got to the start of the Coorong National Park. The Old Coorong Road. It started smoothly then got very bumpy. Then it got muddy as the rain continued.
Drove alongside Coorong National Park, the road was kissing the edge of the shallow lakes at

Before we ventured back onto the proper highway, we checked under the van. It was covered in mud, and half way up the sides.

We stopped in Meningie for a coffee, and decided to stay for the night. The van was almost clean again, because of all the puddles on the road.